Are you afraid your knowledge is lost and can we help you find it back?
LibRT works with a network of freelancers and partners that are highly specialized to offer the best quality of services possible. Silvie Spreeuwenberg is as founding director always the end-responsible for all our projects.

“We organize anything, often it’s legislation. The resulting structure is a perfect basis to get the detailed knowledge right. That is when we collaborate with LibRT.”

“We have a long history in traffic management and projects related to infrastructure, but we managed to represent that detailed knowledge in a consistent framework with the help of LibRT and Silvie is an excellent presenter of the theory in our training.”

Silvie Spreeuwenberg is a top-notch columnist for the Business Rules Journal, an international ePublication read by tens of thousands of professionals world-wide. Silvie provides valuable insights on a regular basis, always grounded in theory and honed by hands-on application — a winning combination in anybody’s book.”