When to combine decisions, case management and artificial intelligence?
When to combine decisions, case management and artificial intelligen
When to combine decisions, case management and artificial intelligen
One holiday I was playing GO. It was very stressful. I had pain in m
Rules for my personal assistant: IFFTTT It was one of the first time
A post with the extreme long title: Trends transforming a CIO’s appr
Rules in Excel Can you imagine that spreadsheets existed before comp
Welcome to the fifth workshop on controlled natural languages in Abe
The business rules virus - BRV Once upon a time there was a terrible
Green light for rules and connected cars I have lived in the Netherl
Is video a new fit knowledge presentation? We need knowledge fast, c
Business rules in scrum projects ... a golden marriage or a divorce
Rules in Shopify My research on business rules awareness in Salesfor
Being agile with standard software Will I buy a house or rent a hous
Rules in SalesForce There are countless different product variations
Adaptivity in Outlook Some have a clean desk, others have piles of d
Zero, one, or more testable requirements There was a project, there
What colour is your world? We call these days 'the dark days'. Wher
Interview with Rob van Haarst, author of the recently-published book
Patterns and the capture of business rules Most of us recognize peop
Rules that give you too much freedom Freedom should be removed by ru
Use the right tool for your job Twenty years ago we would have said
Learn from the expert (part 3): get organized in your rule thinking
Learn from the expert (part 2) - textual rules: out of fashion or a
Learn from the expert (part 1) - a business analyst must ask "why?"
Count your rules! The most-asked question at business rules conferen
How to deal with exceptions in software support Now that our excepti
Exceptions are just 'some more rules' Many times I have visited orga
Rule authoring is a creative process Recently I attended a workshop
What happened to the B and the M of BRM? ... and how the new notion
The liberty of rules This column has been inspired by the fact that
The inference task This column is the next in a series that provides
Organizing a set of rules This column is the next in a series that p
Procedural logic in the reasoning process This column is the next in
What about methods in rules? This column is the next in a series th
Different kinds of rules and how to write them properly This column
SBVR: Observations from initial experiences Perhaps I am the first t
Rule history and versioning (part 3) this column is one in a series
Rule history and versioning (part 2) This column is one in a series
Rule history and versioning (part 1) This column is the first in a s
Flexibility and business rules The 6th European Business Rules Confe
A world without rules On the cover of a flyer that announces a Semin
The semantic web and the business rules approach - differences and c
The semantic web and the business rules approach - differences and c
Observations on the semantic web A business-oriented description of
End-user programming 'End-user programming' is a term that has been
Secret rules "Did you know that Mary is pregnant?" said John to Paul
Observations on business rules in Europe and the U.S. Although I hav
Using verification and validation techniques for high quality busine