As our projects occur across multiple domains, they have a broad and varied focus. Part of our expertise is the ability to quickly familiarise ourselves with a new domain. Below you will find an up-to-date overview of projects, publications and speaking engagements.

2017 | Business Rules Platform Nederland
The business rules platform Netherlands is an association for business rules professionals. Being the chair of the association I normally do not speak myself. This time however I presented together with Alex Smienk from the ministry of Infrastructure about the development of the rule based approach to traffic management.

2017 | Decision Camp
A rulebased approach to traffic management means using DMN decision tables and an example of a methodology that connects policy to operations in an efficient manner
2017 | RuleML
Won the RuleML Challenge for best rule based application in the industry with paper on the Developement of the Rule Based Approach for Traffic Manamement by Dutch Road Authorities.

2017 | Isis Papyrus Open House
Quest lecture on decisions, business rules and adaptive case management.

2016 | Controlled Natural Language Workshop
Silvie Spreeuwenberg is invited for the opening keynote of the controlled natural language workshop in Aberdeen. I am not a human parser, I want software to understand what I write. I make this happen and it's getting better. Read more:

2016 | Progress business rules workshop
Opening keynote about business rules, decisions and the future for end user software development.

2015 | Building Business Capabilities
We played the English edition of the Game of Rules with 60 participants in 3 groups.

2014 | Business Rules Platform Netherlands
Introduction to a special meeting about testing business rules to introduce the notion of quality assurance, verification, validation and simulation before three test experts share best practices and experiences

2015 | LVMB
Workshop facilitation with road authorities for the development of a reference architecture for dynamic traffic management systems.
2017 | Isis Papyrus
Development of a controlled natural language for rules that specify the next (best) action in an adaptive case management process.
2017 | BIT
Assessment of use of rules in several projects executed by the Dutch Government

2016 | LVMB
Specification of a new methodology (Landelijke Regelaanpak) for traffic management based on generic rules to request traffic services based on generalized traffic norms and policy restrictions. In collaboration with traffic management authorities (e.g. counties, provinces, or cities) in the Netherlands

2016 | Belastingdienst
The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration is doing rules for many years but was still having issues with the time to market of new legislation. A deep analysis of the semantics of the legal changes and a new methodology based on a controlled natural language and code generation was proposed to improve the agility of policy implementation.

2014 | Stad Rotterdam
Requirements to be used in a Request for Proposal for a traffic prediction application that should improve decision making in the traffic management process.
2013 | VisionWaves
Share my expertise to integrate business rules as an asset in the product suite of VisionWaves in discussions with CTO, CEO and senior analyst.
2012 | VIA (Rijkswaterstaat)
Assesment of completeness and consistency requirements for new information system to report on historic traffic data.

2015 | LVMB
Workshop facilitation with road authorities for the development of a reference architecture for dynamic traffic management systems.

2009 | BPMF Poland
Tutorial on business rules quality assessment for BPMF conference in Poland.

2005 | Business Rules Forum
Silvie Spreeuwenberg has been invited to give a 3 hour tutorial on quality management of business rules at the Business Rules Forum 2005 in Orlando.

2005 | European Business Rules Conference
Silvie Spreeuwenberg has given a 3 hour tutorial on quality management of business rules at the European Business Rules Conference 2005 in Amsterdam.

2004 | SAI
Silvie Spreeuwenberg presents 14 April in the Workshop Business Rules Management from SAI in Belgium.

2004 | Business rules forum
Silvie Spreeuwenberg has been invited to give a 3 hour tutorial on quality management of business rules at the Business Rules Forum 2004 in Las Vegas.

2004 | Trends in informatiemodellering
Organized by ArraySeminars with Rick van der Lans, Harm van der Lek, Guido Bakema & Sander Hoogendoorn.

2017 | Development of the rule based approach to traffic management

2016 | Landelijke regelaanpak
Methodology for efficient traffic management, Silvie Spreeuwenberg, Rolf Krikke, NM magazine 2016 - 2

2014 | Foreword SBVR made easy
Forward in the book "SBVR made easy" by Rob van Haarst

2013 | Checklist for non-ambigous rules and requirements
This checklist for non-ambigous rules and requirements is intended for business analysts that use natural language to create or complement specifications for operational processes and system development. The checklist is based on the most common deficiencies detected in specifications of different kinds in over 20 years of experience by different experts in the field.

2013 | Het spel met de regels
Silvie Spreeuwenberg, Charlotte Bouvy, Martijn Zoet. Spelenderwijs ontdekken en inzicht vergaren in belangrijke basisprincipes rondom geautomatiseerd redeneren met bedrijfsregels. Uitgave van BRPN, ISBN 978-90-815568-2-8

2012 | Opstellen eenduidige bedrijfsregels met RuleSpeak en SBVR
Silvie Spreeuwenberg, werkboek bij training, LibRT B.V. ISBN 978-90-815568-0-5

2012 | Opstellen eenduidige bedrijfsregels met RuleSpeak en SBVR (dutch)
Silvie Spreeuwenberg, werkboek bij training, LibRT B.V. ISBN 978-90-815568-0-5

2010 | Leergang BPM – onderdeel business rules
Silvie Spreeuwenberg heeft een bijdrage geleverd met Deel 10 aan de leergang BPM van het EuroForum.
2016 | KLM
One day training and workshop on business rules awareness for business architects and business analysts of KLM and Airfrance.

2014 – 2015 | UWV
Coach a team of 5 domain experts to setup a center of excellence for business rules authoring and management that is is able to support information and process analysts in projects effectively.

2012 – 2013 | DUO
Coach for business rules team in software modernization project
2011 | BKR
Training and consulting services for proof of concept with business rules to modernize specifications of existing applications. Goals: improve transparancy, trace to policy and reference source for business knowledge.

2010 | Sociale Verzekeringsbank
Support junior analyst in using Haley inference engine, check rule quality, make suggestions to improve rule creation process, validate rules with business.

2010 | Kommune Data (Denmark)
Training business rules methodology and support to introduce business rules methodology.
2010 | DTCA
Belastingdienst, several training and cosulting projects to increase awareness of organization for business rules.
2009 | ING
Two week training for ING in the rule engine environment Aion from Computer Assoicates.