As our projects occur across multiple domains, they have a broad and varied focus. Part of our expertise is the ability to quickly familiarise ourselves with a new domain. Below you will find an up-to-date overview of projects.

2015 | LVMB
Workshop facilitation with road authorities for the development of a reference architecture for dynamic traffic management systems.
2017 | Isis Papyrus
Development of a controlled natural language for rules that specify the next (best) action in an adaptive case management process.
2017 | BIT
Assessment of use of rules in several projects executed by the Dutch Government

2016 | Belastingdienst
The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration is doing rules for many years but was still having issues with the time to market of new legislation. A deep analysis of the semantics of the legal changes and a new methodology based on a controlled natural language and code generation was proposed to improve the agility of policy implementation.

2016 | LVMB
Specification of a new methodology (Landelijke Regelaanpak) for traffic management based on generic rules to request traffic services based on generalized traffic norms and policy restrictions. In collaboration with traffic management authorities (e.g. counties, provinces, or cities) in the Netherlands

2014 | Stad Rotterdam
Requirements to be used in a Request for Proposal for a traffic prediction application that should improve decision making in the traffic management process.
2013 | VisionWaves
Share my expertise to integrate business rules as an asset in the product suite of VisionWaves in discussions with CTO, CEO and senior analyst.
2012 | VIA (Rijkswaterstaat)
Assesment of completeness and consistency requirements for new information system to report on historic traffic data.