As our projects occur across multiple domains, they have a broad and varied focus. Part of our expertise is the ability to quickly familiarise ourselves with a new domain. Below you will find an up-to-date overview of projects.
2011 | Ministry of Transport and water management
Project management and specifications in a one year software development project for the ViVA application. Challenges included the involvement of the business users from sevelal regions and the short development cycles.
2011-2013 | Ministry of Transport and water management
Rule based specifications for several applications in the domain of traffic management.
2010 | BeInformed
Research for a text based rule editor.
2009 | Capgemini
External advisor for Capgemini to formulate an answer to an RFI by the Dutch Government including Rule Engine selection and business rules management.
2008-2009 | Ivis Group (UK)
Market survey for Ivisgroup comparing tool with business rules market.
2005 | Open Universiteit
EVC project at Open University: creating the guidelines to accept students in an EVC process.
2004 – 2016 | Product manager RuleXpress
Development and design of business rules and terminology management tool. Many natural language features, quality checks, concept models, controlled natural languages and much more.
2003 – 2005 | SBVR
Member of the SBVR submission team for a standard for business vocabulary and rules submitted and accepted by OMG.